为什么贝博体彩app是国际同性恋圣地 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


San Francisco is a city ruled by love that welcomes everyone from anywhere.

为什么贝博体彩app被誉为世界上最同性恋的城市之一? (我们对此感到非常自豪!)



在美国最早的同性恋群体社区之一卡斯特罗(Castro)漫步历史吧. 这个地区所有的商店、餐馆、酒吧和俱乐部都会张开双臂欢迎你.

花点时间去探索 lgbt历史博物馆 并了解过去的挣扎, then party into the night at popular bars like The Mix, 午夜的太阳, 蟾宫, 和更多的.


卡斯特罗街集市 is held annually in October. 这个庆祝活动可以追溯到1974年, 当它的创始人, 哈维·米尔克, 汇集了艺术家, 供应商, 还有这个社区集市上的表演者. 在今天的集市上, you can purchase products directly from 同性恋群体 creators, 展示你的舞蹈技巧, 欣赏不同舞台的音乐.


忘掉好莱坞星光大道吧. 参观 彩虹荣誉步道, 纪念那些在社区和世界上留下印记的知名同性恋群体人物. Start at the intersection of Castro and Market Streets. 当你穿过街区时, 你会发现许多在各自领域的传奇人物也在积极地帮助同性恋群体群体. 获奖者包括宇航员莎莉·莱德, 音乐家西尔维斯特, 职业运动员格伦·伯克, and Army veteran and transgender trailblazer Christine Jorgensen.


It's true that the American armed forces haven't always been the most accepting of 同性恋群体 servicemen and women (and there's still plenty more to be done about that); but to deny that San Francisco's military history and its 同性恋群体 history were not interconnected would be ignoring a big (and interesting) part of the story.




San Francisco became a military bastion during World War II, housing bases such as Fort Funston and Fort Mason, as well as shipyards in what is today the Dogpatch neighborhood. 对我来说,这座城市是自由的象征,650,这是他们被派往国外作战前最后看到的祖国的一部分,也是他们回国后看到的第一个地方. Thousands of young enlisted men came to the city in search of love, sometimes among themselves and other times among the locals who admired them.


今天, 这些军事基地大多已被改造成景点,从博物馆到餐馆再到剧院,应有尽有. 贝博体彩app一年一度的 舰队周 是男女军人到城市来庆祝他们英勇的活动吗. Sexy men in uniform can be seen all over the city, 从码头到卡斯特罗, 享受一种“不要问”的自由氛围, “不要说”是过去的事了.


在石墙, there were the Compton's Cafeteria riots in San Francisco, 该市同性恋群体社区的成员勇敢地面对当地执法部门肆无忌惮的骚扰. 从那天起, 贝博体彩app骄傲节 march became an annual demonstration of community, resilience, and optimism.



三十名勇敢的人冒着一切危险,沿着波尔克街(Polk Street)游行到市政厅,当时任何与同性恋有关的行为都会招致歧视,甚至更糟的后果. 第二天,又有数百人在金门公园组织了另一场同性恋运动. 这些事件标志着骄傲的诞生. 

今天,波尔克街仍然是各种对lgbtq友好的餐馆、酒吧和夜总会的所在地. There's plenty of queer culture to experience in the daylight, too. Visit unique shops full of antiques and restaurants suitable for all palates.


每年将有超过一百万人从世界各地来到贝博体彩app庆祝骄傲节. 这是全国最大的同性恋群体人群聚会,为期10天,活动丰富. 粉红星期六是主要庆祝活动的前一天,是一年中最大的公众聚会之一. Other annual events include the Dyke March and the Trans March.

贝博体彩app 在六月的最后一个周末前往贝博体彩app,参加美国最大的骄傲活动.S.!


政策专家们可以随心所欲地讨论贝博体彩app当前的进步诚意, but the fact remains that when it comes to 同性恋群体+ rights, our city has been charting the course for the rest of the country for decades.


In 1974, 哈维·米尔克 was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, becoming the first openly gay elected official in California history. 11月27日, 1978年,他被枪杀, 还有亲爱的市长乔治·莫斯科尼, 丹·怀特, 另一位城市监督员.

自从他服役以来, 贝博体彩app市政厅和州立法机构都有出柜且自豪的同性恋群体+官员代表, 包括像马克·雷诺这样的人, 大卫·坎波斯, 斯科特·韦纳. 

该市最重要的两个政治组织专注于同性恋群体+问题, and are named in honor of local queer icons: 哈维·米尔克 himself and Alice B. 部. 这些团体具有巨大的影响力, 这意味着当贝博体彩app做出重大决定时,同性恋群体+社区总是有一席之地.


San Francisco began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples as early as 2004. 随之而来的是数年的法律斗争,激励了其他城市和州也加入进来. 直到2015年,美国最高法院才裁定,拒绝同性伴侣享有法律规定的婚姻福利是违宪的. 同性恋群体+历史上的这一分水岭时刻就在贝博体彩app市政厅内开始.


如今变装表演似乎司空见惯, but their mainstream popularity is a relatively new phenomenon. 在贝博体彩app, the drag community's history spans almost a century, 其中大部分被认为是颠覆性的, 有伤风化的, 甚至是危险的!


Finocchio was a nightclub and bar located along San Francisco's Barbary Coast, a neighborhood known for its liberality and licentiousness. In 1933, 随着禁酒令的废除, 俱乐部开始提供由女性模仿者表演的节目——后来被称为变装皇后. 这些节目很快吸引了很多人的注意.

The Oasis 拖 show is a popular nightlife activity
The Oasis 拖 show is a popular nightlife activity.


Who wants to bother with religious dogma on an otherwise lovely spring day? 在贝博体彩app, 你可以参加“健美耶稣大赛”,发现一个救主是多么罪恶和迷人! At this annual event hosted by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, you can feast your eyes on long-haired hotties competing for the crown (of thorns). It might not be the drag you know; but it's kitschy, 不自然的, and thumbing its nose at authority and convention. 对我们来说,那就是变装,亲爱的!


On New Year's Day 2015, legendary local drag queen Heklina opened the doors to Oasis. It quickly became one of San Francisco's hottest 同性恋群体 clubs—and still is! It regularly features outrageous drag performances, 以及举办特定的社区之夜,让人们与他们选择的部落一起跳舞.


Did you know San Francisco has its own designated Leather District? 这是正确的! The kink communities and cultures of San Francisco are so varied, 如此普遍, 他们非常受欢迎,每年都会举办大型活动,吸引来自世界各地的游客.


The first bar in San Francisco's leather subculture was 水手男孩酒馆, which opened in 1938 and was primarily geared toward Navy men looking for action. In the 1960s, the leather community grew in SoMa, with bars like The Toolbox. 今天, the scene is anchored by The Eagle, at the corner of Folsom and 12th streets.


这个一年一度的活动是同类活动中规模最大的. 关注BDSM社区 福尔松街市 在9月举行,有200个供应商,大量的现场表演和演示站. If Folsom is all about whetting your appetite and expanding your boundaries, then you'll also want to consider the Up Your Alley event in July. For those who think 福尔松街市 has gotten too crowded or even too tame, 这个活动是为你准备的.


贝博体彩app非常上镜,是一些真正的经典电影的拍摄地. But did you know that the city is a special place for queer filmmakers?


它的装饰艺术设计, 阳台, 还有著名的管风琴, the Castro Theater is a picture palace from a bygone age. 主持各种活动,从现场喜剧表演到电影首映式,再到欢乐的合唱放映, the Castro Theater has been a mainstay of the community for decades.


The Frameline Film Festival is the largest queer film festival in the world. 在近两周的时间里,最佳编剧、导演和演员的电影都会在这里亮相. Transgender- and queer-themed performances feature at the Fresh Meat Festival.
