Meeting attendees stand and stroll on a balcony at Moscone中心 South in San Francisco.


Host your meeting at 莫斯康中心 and join a proud history of ground-breaking, 范式变革的时刻.

莫斯康中心 has hosted some of the most important conventions and product announcements in recent memory, providing the space and amenities for businesses and organizations from the U.S. and beyond to celebrate their achievements and anticipate the future.


一个重要的市场营销提供者, sales and cloud technologies on the national and global stages, Salesforce现在是世界上最大的云服务提供商. 1 .客户关系管理公司. 自2005年以来, the company’s annual Dreamforce conference has become a staple of the Moscone calendar, with attendees coming to San Francisco from all over the world.

Product demos, immersive trainings, and distinguished guests including former Vice President 戈尔 和PG&Geisha J. 威廉姆斯只是人们涌向Dreamforce的几个原因.


甲骨文 is another premier software provider that helps its customers manage marketing, 云中的销售和商务. 甲骨文全球大会, the annual convention run by the database and cloud engineering giant, brings innovation and exploration to 莫斯康中心 each year.

甲骨文 has been holding Openworld events at Moscone since 1998, 为与会者提供各种各样的演示和会议. 每年, the company has also revealed their discoveries and new products to the world as they revolutionize the database and IT management industries. 一群不同的演讲者, 包括来自不同行业的物理学家和首席执行官, 让这一传统在2018年甲骨文全球大会上得以延续.


谷歌 held its flagship I/O conference at 莫斯康中心 from 2008 to 2015. Attendees witnessed some of the most exciting events in the global giant’s history.

The first I/O included an introduction to the Android operating system, months before the release of the first mobile device that would utilize it. Android would go on to become the most popular mobile operating system in the world.


IDG的Macworld大会, 这是苹果产品和服务的首要贸易展, 从1985年到2014年在莫斯康中心举办的. 随着苹果公司的发展,这一活动也越来越受欢迎, and the tech giant was a major sponsor of the event even before the announcements of multiple products that would change the way people lived forever.

In 2001, Steve Jobs unveiled iTunes at 莫斯康中心, heralding the age of digital music. 那年晚些时候, iPod就会发布, which would redefine the mobile experience as consumers knew it.

苹果 returned to 莫斯康中心 to deliver paradigm-shifting news year after year. Macworld attendees were the first to be introduced to the iPhone in 2007, 2008年推出Macbook Air, 以及其他定义现代生活的设备.


微软建立, 公司的标志性软件开发会议, 自2013年以来,已经在莫斯科尼举办了四次, 为会议中心的历史增添了重要的里程碑.

Some of the company’s biggest announcements were made at 莫斯康中心, including the introductions of the Surface Pro and the digital assistant Cortana. These important additions to the 微软 product suite solidified the focus on slimmer computing technology and AI-assisted lifestyles that modern consumers have come to expect.


Mainstream audiences are much more aware of gaming today than they were when the 游戏开发者大会 first came to 莫斯康中心 in 2005.

自2007年以来, GDC has become one of the most talked-about annual events in the gaming industry, providing a window into emerging and innovative gaming technologies.

Success at 莫斯康中心 has helped GDC to expand and add different events across the globe, 包括独立游戏节, an award show celebrating the best independent game developers in the industry.


Groundbreaking medical conferences continue to return to 莫斯康中心. 受人尊敬的组织,比如美国牙科协会, 心脏节律学会, 美国外科医师学会, and the American Psychiatric Association come to 莫斯康中心 to discuss and discover the breakthroughs that redefine modern medicine.

在接下来的几个月里, 莫斯科尼将主办美国过敏学会, 哮喘与免疫学, 美国肝病研究协会, 以及胃肠道癌症研讨会, 等. These organizations and others are booking years in advance to bring their attendees and their achievements back to San Francisco.


San Francisco is a diverse and productive home for innovative companies, and 莫斯康中心 is where all of that innovation can be put on display. The latest renovations will increase 莫斯康中心’s appeal in the eyes of businesses worldwide. New innovators and groups from a variety of industries are eager to add to the history of significant announcements made at 莫斯康中心.  

